Coincidences and divergences between the human management practices developed by the leaders-entrepreneurs and the leaders-employees in the micro enterprises of the hotel sector in the city of ibagué, colombia

José Vicente Montealegre González

Carlos Hernán Cubillos Calderón

Alberto Delgado Cortés


Keywords: Human management, managers-entrepreneurs, managers-employees, hotel sector, micro enterprises


This research was carried out with the purpose of interpreting the human management practices, considered universal, carried out in the micro-enterprises of the hotel sector of the city of Ibagué, since in view of the unquestionable importance of human talent, it is the large organizations and hotel chains that have the best possibilities to carry out adequate personnel management, in contrast to the small organizations that have limited resources and capacities. To carry out the study, the qualitative method was used, based on the basic approaches of the Grounded Theory. The phases





of information collection, analysis, and interpretation were ideologically oriented by the PRODIN method (Prospective Dialectic Interpersonal Method).

Among the most relevant findings is the identification of two types of leaders: employee-leaders (non-owners) and entrepreneur-leaders (owners), who coincide in conducting informal and exploratory talks in the practice of bonding, in which intuition plays a key role in deciding on the most suitable candidate, as does the absence of standardized tests and structured or semi-structured interviews. Training, in turn, is an undervalued practice because it is assumed that the experience of the collaborators in the hotel activity is sufficient to perform efficiently. Performance evaluation is done by on-site observation of daily tasks, is not planned or systematic, and is used almost exclusively for purposes of admonishment and dismissal. The career plan as well as promotion possibilities are non-existent.

On the other hand, while the employee-leaders check their work history by phone, the entrepreneur-leaders do not do this work since they privilege personal referral or recommendation. The remuneration practice also differs, since the entrepreneurs who lead their organizations generally employ family members without formally established work contracts and at the end of each month they divide the profits. In turn, the companies led by employee-leaders are far from family businesses as they do not link family members, there is a higher level of formality in the contracts and they make biweekly, monthly or shift work payments.


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