Diagnosis of the selection process of companies of the queretana entity: perspective of human talent

Gerardo González Trujillo

Deyanira Cruz Manzano

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54198/innova08.03

Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Professional profile, Interview, Working conditions


The purpose of the research, was to describe the selection processes of Queretaro companies, of any economic stratification and industrial sector. Likewise, it was sought to determine if there are significant differences between the quality of the selection interview, selection tests, working conditions and motivation, in relation to the type of recruitment and the affinity of the human talent profile in the current or most recent work unit. The type of study that was carried out, was quantitative because of the problem statement is aimed at several purposes and there is the intention of estimating magnitudes or quantities (Hernández-Sampieri and Mendoza, 2018, p. 40). The main purpose was to determine significant causal differences between the independent variables type of recruitment and the affinity of the profile of human talent in relation to the dependent variables or response quality of the selection interview, selection tests, working conditions and motivation. The observation on the relationship between the independent and dependent variables was carried out using the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). In the hypothesis test 1, the Ho was accepted, because of the type of recruitment does not influence the quality of the selection processes of human talent in the Queretaro entity. The hypothesis test 2, the H1 was accepted indicating that the affinity of the job profile influences the quality of the human talent selection processes in the Queretaro entity, mainly in the quality of the selection interview and in the working conditions. It was concluded that companies must prepare and design profiles and job descriptions before carrying out a human talent integration process.


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